5 thoughts on “How to sell gold”

  1. Gold can be sold through the following channels:

    1. According to the current market situation, banks only buy back the gold bars sold by this bank. Most of the self operated brand gold bar businesses of commercial banks have opened repurchase businesses, but they mainly invest in gold bars
    after investors buy the brand gold bars of these banks, as long as the gold bar products meet the relevant repurchase conditions, they can be sold to banks. Of course, different banks have different conditions and prices for gold bar repo. The prices are mainly linked to the international and Shanghai Gold exchanges and will change every day
    2. In addition to banks, pawnbrokers are also responsible for gold pawn business, but the prices given are all low. It can be said that there are not too many restrictions on the types of gold to be bought back. No matter whether it is gold bars, gold bricks or gold necklaces, all jewelry are accepted. The procedures are simple and basically all can be taken immediately
    3. Small street shops and online shops can also recycle gold. Usually, the roadside shops do not need to show any certificates and bills to buy back gold. They only need to weigh the gold jewelry and gold bars and give money according to the weight, but the price is very low
    4. In addition, some gold holders also choose the "old for new" business launched by gold stores. Although there are no restrictions on the style of gold jewelry, investors must bring all the shopping receipts. When exchanging the old for the new, a certain depreciation fee will be charged. Generally speaking, the repurchase price of gold is basically synchronized with the international gold price, but investors need to make an appointment for repurchase one day in advance, and they cannot make an appointment when making an appointment, because the gold price changes at any time

  2. bank. The gold recovered by banks is relatively regular, and they will give a reasonable price according to the quality and market price. But the procedures are complicated
    Jinshang. Gold merchants generally sell gold processing as jewelry, so the recovery price is lower than that of banks
    pawn shop. The purchase price will plummet, which is only suitable for the urgent need of money, and the gold has no source proof.

  3. You don't need an invoice for recycling.
    the recycling price is about 190 yuan per gram.
    the purchase price is about 270 yuan per gram.

    you'd better keep it. The recycling will depreciate and you will have to spend money in the future

    How can you? Most of the invoices can't be found soon after buying gold.
    apart from the very careful ones, how many can be kept all the time
    you can't find my invoice. It's OK to buy it for many years.
    I got engaged to buy a set of gold jewelry last year, but I can't find any invoices this year.
    I took it to the gold store to buy it, and I took some manual fees to replace it. I don't need to ask about recycling

  4. The streets are full of
    stickers that can be used to recycle gold.
    it should be noted that
    before you sell your jewelry, you should mark it with a mark that others can't see.
    in case they do something about it,
    it can also prove that it is your own.
    also, it is usually done by a group of people nearby.
    however, you can go to several stores to ask the price before selling.

  5. In the login status, select the appropriate price and confirm the number of grams sold to complete the gold selling process. The minimum unit of selling gold is 1 mg, and the amount obtained from selling gold will be entered into the cash account in real time. It should also be noted that the daily limit of gold sold by each account is 1000 grams.

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