Cambodians' way of saying "Happy New Year" in Khmer?

Cambodians' way of saying "Happy New Year" in Khmer?

Cambodians' way of saying "Happy New Year" in Khmer?
Cambodians' way of saying "Happy New Year" in Khmer?

New Year celebrations are a joyous universal holiday but every ancestor has its special touch to it. The New Year in Cambodia is a time of festivity and, also, of cultural reflection and renewal. It gives you a perspective on this colorful culture and it tells a lot: The way how Cambodians wish in Khmer Happy New Year.

The Khmer New Year Festivals

Choul Chnam Thmey — Cambodian New Year or "Enter the New Year" is among the most prominent holidays in Cambodia. It usually occurs in April – the last of the harvesting season. For three days during this celebration, Cambodians are engaged in traditional games, dancing, and religious ceremonies.

Greeting Phrases in Khmer

For Khmer New Year, the common traditional greeting is "Soursdey Chhnam Thmey," which in English means "Happy New Year." Analysis of the sentence is as follows.

Soursdey: Hello or greetings

Chhnam: Year

Thmey: New

The sentiment behind this greeting really conveys the essence of a New Year celebration and can be paraphrased in English as follows:

Pronunciation and Usage

For those who want to wish in the new-year celebrations, it is just Super Important to get the pronunciation of Soursdey Chhnam Thmey right. To say the phrase the letters are: /sour-s'day ch'nam th'may/ During Chinese New Year period, people use this expression for greetings amongst friends, family or even strangers— to give best wishes and pray for wealth.

Social importance of New year Greetings

For Cambodian too New Year Greeting is not only say in words, but there is an element of respect and also wish well for the new coming year. Disrespectful Greetings : Elders, peers, and then younger folks It reflects the respect, humility, and commitment to community that are deeply embedded in the values of Cambodian society.

Festivities and Traditions

New Years is a holiday filled with symbols intended to rid one of misfortune of the last year, and to give one new luck in the next. The houses are cleaned in and out, people wear new clothes and every little Budhda statue in town will be washed to restart the new years looking all shinny. They play traditional games such as "Bos Angkunh, Leak Kanseng, Tbau Khmer," showing their rich culture of Cambodia.

For great insights on how to celebrate Khmer New Year and its importance visit happy new year Khmer.


Learning how to say Happy New Year in Khmer is an excellent starting point to get a feel of the deep and elaborate tapestry of Cambodia culture during one of its major celebration. Beyond just a cheery greeting, "Soursdey Chhnam Thmey" is also a wish for a good and respectful life similar to the shared and communal mentality of Cambodian people.

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